Kubernot (k0s)

go.dev reference Go 1.18+ License DockerHub Buildkite @kubernot

Not Kubernetes

Kubernot is an experimental SSH alternative with Kubernetes-like UX, where

The name Kubernot is inspired by many.

It shortens to k0s, mimicking the spelling of k8s, because Kubernot is made to resemble Kubernetes, while not being a distro of it.

The shortened form should be pronounced as “chaos” not “kay-zero-es” in order to distinguish from Mirantis’ k0s.

Unlike SSH, Kubernot adopts the client-agent-server model from Kubernetes that allows access to nodes behind a firewall.

  client agent server
SSH ssh - sshd
Kubernot kubectl knot kuber
Kubernetes kubectl kubelet kube-apiserver

Kubernot has two major components: kuber and knot:

Getting Started

k0s is the multicall binary of Kubernot.

kubectl is also bundled as a subcommand for convenience.

To install it, run:

$ go install k0s.io/cmd/k0s@latest

To start the server, run:

$ k0s kuber

then point kubectl to and print the version:

$ k0s kubectl -s version
